In which we FINALLY meet Melina

George, Earline, Samantha, and Melina came up for a visit. They spent a lot of time with family, enjoyed a trip to Wegman’s, and an outing to Letchworth State Park (#1 state park in the country!).

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We are so glad that they were able to come up, and hope for more visits in the future.

Easter Egg Hunt

In spite of the freezing weather and the threat of snow, the annual Easter Egg Hunt took place today at Grandma’s house! photo (9) photo (10) photo (14) photo (8)

This was the largest scale egg hunt in the history of Omans’ family egg hunts, and Charissa found the last egg of the hunt…photo (16)

Great job everyone!


We followed the egg hunt with a scalloped potato dinner. Great fun was had by all!